Black Pear live in Somerset
We have gone live in Somerset where hundreds of end of life care patients and their clinicians are benefiting from Black Pear technology.
Core Care Plans give clinicians an interactive view of patients’ health records tailored to their specific needs on the computer, tablet or phone. This has been harnessed in Somerset’s Electronic Palliative Care Coordination System (EPaCCs). It ensures clinicians always have an up to date view of their end of life patients’ wishes on the plan no matter where or when they need it. Over 300 end of life care records have been created in the region since going live in April making this most difficult time that bit easier.
We have also been working with Somerset on a prototype for our Core Care Record to be used across all sectors of the region’s healthcare systems. The Somerset Integrated Digital e-Record (SIDeR) will allow health and care teams to easily and instantly create, share and update patients’ medical records from every part of the service. From hospices and GP practices to NHS 111, Social Care and GP Out of Hours this will have infinite uses and streamline the service for both patients and clinicians.