The social network revolution in healthcare.
Treat patients with their live information. Shared with every service, but tailored to each user. Where you need it. How you want it. And never out of date.
Social media changed how you communicate.
Core transforms how you deliver care.
Care Plans
Create, share and update a single, live plan of all patients' care needs. Instant notifications alert everyone to changes.
Streamline all primary care services into one live appointment book. Instantly send consultation notes back to the GP.
Care Record
View live patient information from all health and care settings no matter which clinical system it’s on.
To share healthcare information like a social network you need HL7 FHIR® - the global standard in exchanging medical data which powers all our Core products. You can get on it in 15 minutes with QuickFHIR.
Ready to get started?
Our products are designed for any health and care system. It doesn’t matter which organisation wants to start sharing, or what information it needs. You can get connected with Core.

One Core,
many roots
Every service always knows the patient’s status with Core. It pulls relevant health and care information live from the GP record or other systems and holds it in a single source of truth. This live, interactive record can be viewed, shared and updated by any user, anywhere, with everyone instantly notified of changes.
Powerful data,
simply sliced
Black Pear products only share what’s relevant. They give each service a simple, live snapshot tailored to them. Clinicians don’t waste time scrolling through what they don’t need to see while patient confidentiality is robustly protected.
Who do we help?
Want to make your
best solution better?
All our products are supported by the so there’s nothing stopping you getting connected.
Check out who we’ve been helping with our latest solutions.